劳动合同 & 更新









July 21, 2023 -- Board Approves 教师 Contract; Master Agreement Signed

7月19日, the 十大外围app 校董会 voted to approve a Master Agreement between the 社区 College District of Monroe County and the MCCC 教师 Association. 《十大外围app》于七月十七日获教职员协会批准.

中冶集团总裁科乔一个. Quartey and MCCCFA President Mark Bergmooser signed the agreement on July 20. 

The 合同 was approved by a trustees’ vote of 4-0 and covers all full-time, 学院非行政教职人员职位.

琳达Torbet, 中冶集团人力资源总监, 该合同将持续到8月24日, 2025, ,包括:

  • An increase in the number of yearly steps on the salary schedule from 12 to 15
  • A change in the salary structure to standardize the step increases annually to 3.步骤1至12为25%,步骤13至15为2%
  • A one-time, off-schedule payment of $1,000 to full-time faculty already at step 12
  • A reduction of the number of work days in the 38-week 合同 year from 162 to 160
  • A change in the 合同 year for professional counselors in the 招生 and Disability 服务 areas from 160 work days over 38 weeks to 160 work days over 52 weeks
  • 冬季学期开始和结束日期的变化, with classes to begin and end a week later to accommodate for more time for students to enroll
  • 升级到牙科和长期残疾保险计划

MCCC会长博士. 科乔一个. 季刊建议受托人批准该合同, which he said is a significant recognition of the college and faculty working together to responsibly deal with challenging economic times.


2023年2月6日——MCCC董事会主席Aaron N .发表声明. 梅森谈教职员工会对MCCC主席的不信任投票

“The Michigan Education Association recently delivered a resolution of no confidence in 十大外围app President Dr. 科乔一个. Quartey – on behalf of MCCC’s faculty union – to the 校董会 and Dr. Quartey. We continue to digest the claims and work with administrators to fact check and review them as individual trustees. We will do the same collectively as a board in the appropriate way in future meetings. 作为董事会主席,我对李博士充满信心. Quartey’s leadership of MCCC and his unwavering commitment and dedication to serving our diverse students and community. 也, I continue to be inspired by the quality of instruction our faculty members provide and am excited about how recent student-focused initiatives – driven by our five-year strategic plan – will help make that even more impactful in our community.”

——艾伦·N. 梅森,十大外围app董事会主席 


The 十大外围app's support staff voted to unionize last year, and negotiations with the new 十大外围app 支持人员 Union have been ongoing to establish its first-ever 合同. 根据MCCC总裁Dr. 科乔一个. Quartey, those negotiations are going smoothly and much progress is being made.

2023年1月4日——十大外围app院长. 科乔一个. 与教职员工会谈判的季度声明

在我们共同为冬季学期的开始做准备的时候, it is imperative that I address 十大外围app’s ongoing negotiations with our faculty union.

十大外围app is committed to achieving a new collective bargaining agreement with the 十大外围app 教师 Association that balances fair compensation for all our employees with responsible fiscal stewardship and, 最重要的是, 确保我们继续提供以学生为中心, quality and affordable higher education to our students into the foreseeable future.

中冶集团致力于谈判一个公平的合同 为我们的教员提供加薪. We believe in the importance of investing in our workforce to ensure that we attract and retain talented professionals. 我们有优秀的教师,他们为学生提供良好的服务, and we currently pay them well accordingly (college 合同s are published at http://bjnoet.tj-mba.com/finance). 这一点在新合同下也不会改变.

我们必须留心, 然而, that wages and 好处 comprised 83% of MCCC’s 2022-2023 general fund budget. Increases given to one employee group directly diminish the funds available to pay other essential employees. 所有MCCC员工都很重要, and we cannot negotiate with one employee group without considering its impact on compensation for all our employees.

The faculty requested and were granted an extension of the previous 合同 through August 22, 2022. 教师 union members continue to work under the terms and conditions of that 合同.

Our non-teaching faculty work days are established in the 合同 based on the academic calendar – this is despite primary duties unrelated to the teaching of classes. It is our goal to restructure work schedules so that non-teaching faculty 在学生需要的时候出现, 比如在开学前的招生高峰期.

作为一个纳税人支持的机构, we will exercise financial prudence by not compromising the long-term financial stability of the institution. 像任何有偿付能力的企业一样, the college needs working capital/reserves throughout the year to pay bills and invest in our learning infrastructure. 工资, 好处, and raises will be budgeted for and not paid out by drawing down critical working capital/reserves. 

In all that we do, MCCC will always focus primarily on the needs of our students and community. As an institution with “student-focus” as a core value that guides our attitudes and behavior, we make decisions based on how they will impact each and every student at our college, 以及十大外围app.

Management is committed to negotiating in good faith to resolve this 合同 as expeditiously as possible, 不牺牲我们这个优秀机构的稳定性和完整性. We must resolve these issues completely and fairly so that we can get back to working together on what matters most – continuously enhancing the quality of education our students receive.